Posted in Ramblings

Grateful List

Sometimes you just need to be grateful. Well, ideally, we should be grateful all the time. However, that is harder to manage with life’s insistence to not follow along with our wishes.   The next best thing is to take a moment each day to remind yourself of what you appreciate in your life.  You may be surprised to find that the more you pause to reflect the more your awareness grows of all the good things that are happening day-to-day.

Sharing Gratitude

Sharing a little gratitude can be as simple as saying out loud to yourself or to your partner three things that occurred that day that you were grateful for. Then you can hit the sack. Or, find a pen pal of sorts. Every day write an email (or actual snail mail!) and list three things you appreciate.  Perhaps you like to take pen to paper and jot down something. That’s my jam too. Each night, I write a sentence in my monthly Gratitude Log within my Bullet Journal. It’s the perfect way to end the day.

Littlest Martha’s Grateful List

I’d like to take the opportunity to review past months’ Gratitude Logs and share with you what I’m grateful for. Maybe they will remind you what you’re grateful for too.

    1. Snuggles
    2. My son’s belly laughs and how only my husband can make him laugh so
    3. Clouds
    4. Sunday mornings with crossword puzzles and coffee and eggs
    5. My husband’s cooking
    6. Morning meditations
    7. Giggling with a friend
    8. My co-workers/friends and their wonderful energy
    9. Rescuing a lost dog
    10. Monthly date night
    11. Going to the gym
    12. Catan
    13. Being able to forgive myself
    14. Meditation group
    15. Peter Piper Pizza with the boys
    16. Feeding ducks
    17. My son’s curly hair
    18. Wine
    19. Yoga
    20. A rainbow to start the day
    21. Podcasts
    22. Chicken soup
    23. Volunteering at St. Mary’s Food Bank and Homebase
    24. Dim Sum on Sundays
    25. Homemade pho
    26. Gumbo
    27. Feeding a stranger
    28. Writing
    29. Blogging
    30. Learning to say “yes” to what comes

Grateful For You

Thank you. Thank you for subscribing and reading these ramblings. Thank you for posting comments. Thank you for being as you are. As a token of my appreciation, and in the spirit of this post, I whipped something up for you.  Download it and let it inspire you to make each day wonderful. Like you.

Inspiration quote by Hafiz over a golden sunrise


With love and kindness,

Martita signature


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